ISACA is in the news with about a major update to COBIT 4.1.  It seems the board at ISACA has been listening to the practitioners and is working on quite a major change.   The initiative charge from the Board of Directors is to “tie together and reinforce all ISACA knowledge assets with COBIT.”

They have put together a COBIT 5 Task Force, which includes:
  • Experts from across the ISACA constituency groups
  • Is co-chaired by John Lainhart (Past International President) and Derek Oliver (Past Chairman of the BMIS Development Committee)
  • Reports to the Framework Committee and then the Knowledge Board 

The objective for COBIT 5 is to:

Provide a renewed and authoritative governance and management framework for enterprise information and related technology, building on the current widely recognized and accepted COBIT framework, linking together and reinforcing all other major ISACA frameworks and guidance such as
  • Val IT 
  • Risk IT
  • BMIS
  • ITAF
  • Board Briefing            
  • Taking Governance Forward
  • Connect to other major frameworks and standards in the marketplace (ITIL, ISO standards, etc.)

Deliverables have been confirmed as:
  • An enterprise wide, “end-to-end” framework addressing governance and management of information and related technology
  • The framework structure will include familiar components such as a domain/process model and other components such as governance/ management practices, RACI charts and inputs/ outputs.
  • An initial COBIT 5 product architecture, specifying which types of “products” and other “guidance” that could be developed for specific IT professional audiences (e.g., assurance, security, risk) in support of enterprise business needs 

It all sounds rather exciting, although we will have to wait until 2012.....